Revelation Within On the Go!

Overcome Overeating by Renewing Your Mind

December 06, 2023 Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley Season 1 Episode 71
Overcome Overeating by Renewing Your Mind
Revelation Within On the Go!
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Revelation Within On the Go!
Overcome Overeating by Renewing Your Mind
Dec 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 71
Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley

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There is a deep-seated connection between mind renewal and becoming victorious over overeating. 

We begin by exploring the often overlooked significance of food in God's word, highlighting its role in bringing families and friends together and expressing gratitude. We challenge the conventional understanding of food, underscoring that it's not a comforter or a problem solver. Instead, we encourage you to find solace and refuge in God, letting His presence permeate your thoughts and actions. We unmask misconceptions about food and embrace God's wisdom.

We conclude by exploring the immense power of mind renewal in overcoming overeating. Harnessing God's word, we challenge the false beliefs about food, emphasizing the need to apply these truths practically in our day-to-day lives. It's not just about more Bible study but living by these truths every moment of every day. Join us and discover the transformative power of God's word in developing healthier eating habits and breaking free from the chains of overeating.

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There is a deep-seated connection between mind renewal and becoming victorious over overeating. 

We begin by exploring the often overlooked significance of food in God's word, highlighting its role in bringing families and friends together and expressing gratitude. We challenge the conventional understanding of food, underscoring that it's not a comforter or a problem solver. Instead, we encourage you to find solace and refuge in God, letting His presence permeate your thoughts and actions. We unmask misconceptions about food and embrace God's wisdom.

We conclude by exploring the immense power of mind renewal in overcoming overeating. Harnessing God's word, we challenge the false beliefs about food, emphasizing the need to apply these truths practically in our day-to-day lives. It's not just about more Bible study but living by these truths every moment of every day. Join us and discover the transformative power of God's word in developing healthier eating habits and breaking free from the chains of overeating.

Get details about our class starting July 17th at

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Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to Revelation Within on the Go. I'm Heidi Baalsma-Epperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the Revelation Within Ministry.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Christina Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach and Heidi's partner in all things Revelation Within, which I love, and we are so excited to invite you to join us for this episode of Revelation Within on the Go.

Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome y'all. Revelation Within on the Go. Today we wanted to talk about the connection, and what connection is that? It's the connection between all this mind renewal we're always talking about mind renewal and what many joined then within. Now Revelation Within for, and that's the struggle with food eating, body image and basically eating too much.

Speaker 2:

Yes, let's just move it out there Body image. But really we're talking about eating. We're talking about our tendency to overeat.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and so we're going to try to make a real clear connection between mind renewal and changing the way we overeat from overeating to not overeating.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love it. I love this idea. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Let's make a connection. Yeah, so okay, in the simplest equation, let's boil it down. Why do we speak of mind renewal when most people have joined us because they want to know how they can eat less food?

Speaker 2:

Well, what is? What is mind renewal? Maybe we should start there just a quick little. I know we've talked about it a ton, but I always think, what if someone's listening for the first time?

Speaker 1:

Go for it. Tell us what is mind renewal.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what is mind renewal? It's thinking God's thoughts after him. And if that sounds confusing to you, I'll explain it in a different way. It's thinking more and more the way that God thinks. And how do we know how God thinks? Because we have this wonderful book called the Bible that is full of God's thoughts. We know as we read more and more. We know who he is, we know all of his names and attributes, we know what he does for people and we know that he's steadfast and faithful and consistent and that he's driven by his love for us. We also know that we have the mind of Christ.

Speaker 1:

In 1 Corinthians 2 16, paul tells the Corinthian church, and us as well, that we have the mind of Christ. We have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God, who is in us and he lives in us to remind us. Jesus told us the Holy Spirit would remind us of everything he, jesus, has said to us. But we have to give the Holy Spirit something to work with.

Speaker 1:

Yes we have to be sure we're in God's word. So once we have kind of wallpapered our mind with the truth of God's word if we're in the word, hopefully a little bit every day, and if not, then maybe some godly music that can remind us of the truth of God's word then the Holy Spirit can bring to our mind thoughts that are consistent with the mind of Christ. For us we have the mind of Christ. Then let's think with the mind of Christ.

Speaker 1:

Yes about food, about eating, about my body, about God, about myself, about difficult people in my life, about trials that hit me, about holidays that come and go, and come and go and go, yes, and so on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how about fears and lies and deep desires? Just everything, absolutely everything.

Speaker 1:

And listen, the deal is we eat over all of these things. I mean, I don't know about you, but I have eaten over everything that I could possibly list for you.

Speaker 2:

Me too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this matters to God. He knows how much heartache my own tendency to overeat, to gravitate towards food, how much destruction that has caused in my life in my heart in my mind how much I've kind of gone over it and over it. He wants me to experience the freedom that he has purchased for me with the blood of Christ, and so he cares. His Holy Spirit will help me with this. He's given me everything I need for life and Godliness.

Speaker 1:

So, I just kind of need to ask God what are your thoughts about that? And as he impresses upon my heart the things that I know are consistent with his word and consistent with his character, he will make sure I know what his thoughts are about going to food again and again and another late night rendezvous with the food and again, and what he is inviting me to do instead.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and for those of us, those of you, who have quote unquote tasted that freedom and have really enjoyed what it feels like to go to the Lord for our needs, instead of food or any other counterfeit comfort wow, once you've experienced it, you want more of that. It feels good. There's peace there, there's deep, abiding joy there. All the good things are there. So why wouldn't I want to fill my mind with God's thoughts rather than my own or the world's thoughts or lies that I believed my whole life?

Speaker 1:

Right. And the thing is, this is not a matter of okay. When I want to eat and I'm not hungry, or I want to overeat some more, it's not about okay. That is the moment when I'm going to open my Bible. That'd be great. Most of us, by that point, won't just be honest.

Speaker 1:

So this is what I think really is the long way around some of our challenges with overeating. It's not a quick fix. It's a training, and training typically takes time. If you want to stop overeating and you're not willing to put the time and work into mind renewal, I would say we could tie you to a chair and you won't eat and you might see some of the changes in your life that you want to, but there are other changes that you won't see and those are the changes that we place a premium on when we focus on mind renewal.

Speaker 1:

We know that God cares about our hearts. If he could just sit down with me for five minutes, face to face, I think Jesus would probably say I'm not concerned about how much you weigh right now or how much you ate last night, I'm concerned about your heart.

Speaker 2:

We get to really have the best of everything if we are lining our thoughts up with his, and it's good.

Speaker 2:

And all of a sudden, food becomes good. Food is something good. You know, I was talking with someone just the other day who was talking about and we've shared this too, I think, on this podcast really, lord, did you put food on this earth to torture me, porn me? I mean, this is what it's felt like, you know, most of my life. Really it did. I mean. I thought, oh my gosh, I'm just tortured by food. But this person I was talking to, she said you know what Food is good? Food is a gift, and I really think it was the first time in her life that she was realizing that food is actually a gift from the Lord. All the variety, all the flavors, all the textures, all the different things that we can enjoy in food. It's a gift from God.

Speaker 1:

It's not meant to torture us at all, you know that makes me think of something I've heard people say over and over over the years, whether it's in the context of one-on-one coaching or our group coaching, or even posting in our community at Mighty Networks, our Revelation Within dot team community. It's like what is the stronghold that they wanna break free from, or what is it they feel they need to break free from? Many of them say it's the stronghold of food, which I find an interesting way of thinking about that. What do you think, christina? What do you think of that stronghold of food thought?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that I probably thought that for a long time I blamed the food. As if the food was alive, I would say things like the food is calling to me and I hear the food calling to me from the kitchen. I have no self-control with this food. This food pulls on me. I think that I kind of personified the food. I gave it a lot of power, and when you put food in front of you and you look at it, it's like this is just food. There's no power here, there's no pull, except if I give it that power right, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

So my take on it is is if I call food a stronghold, I'm basically giving it power that God didn't intend for it to have. And the same is true if I call myself an emotional eater, I'm saying my emotions have power over me. These are the strongholds. It's what we believe. So this is why we continue to say let's renew our minds, Come to our mind renewal classes, mind renewal 101, our power tools class. We say that because we know people who go the long way around and start with how do I think about food eating in my body? They'll eat less, they just will. They'll begin to see that, oh, it's not. Food is so evil. What we wanna do is begin to think like we started, with God's thoughts about food as a gift. It's his gift to us.

Speaker 1:

Christina, let's just on the fly really quick. If we were going to renew our minds right now about food generally speaking. Let's invite God in and let's do a what is true time here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, great Good idea.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, we wanna invite you into this. We ask that you would show us what is true about food, and I pray that the person listening would also sense you testifying to his or her heart what is true about food. Thank you, lord. Okay, so, lord, what is true about food is that it is a good gift coming from you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, food is an example, a beautiful example of God's abundance and generosity.

Speaker 1:

Food is also a demonstration of God's incredible creativity.

Speaker 2:

Yes, food is what nourishes my body, it's fuel.

Speaker 1:

It is. And it's interesting too, because even in God's word there are emotional words that are used to refer to feasts and celebrations that God has ordained. And so when he asked people to feast, he would also say celebrate and be happy. Yeah, celebration yeah celebrate and practice Thanksgiving, and it's not that we wanna not be an emotional eater. We want to learn to think God's thoughts about our emotions. So what is true is there's a time and place for delighting and being emotional about food.

Speaker 2:

Food is something that brings families and friends together in joy. It's fun to try new foods, it's fun to cook for others or to be cooked for, to celebrate certain events with food. I mean it's all over the Bible. I was thinking the other day you know, you know how you watch movies sometimes and no one eats for like two hours, the whole movie, and they've just taken food and eating out of the movie, completely like the Avengers. You do you ever see the Avengers eat? They never eat. And I was thinking about this. I was thinking you know what God could have decided. I'm gonna take food and eating out of the Bible because, you know, I don't think people are gonna need that. It's not important. But what did he do? He put it front and center. It's all over the Bible.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

And eating like. I love that story where he made breakfast on the beach for his disciples. I mean, isn't that a great story? And he chose to put that in to show us the importance of food in a way that is life-giving and joyful and filling our bodies.

Speaker 1:

Right. So another truth about food is God didn't put it on this planet, like Christina said earlier, to torment us.

Speaker 1:

And it's a torment me. So if I want to think God's thoughts about food and eating and overeating, I'm going to think some of these thoughts. I might write them down and actually spend time each day, whether it's on the fly, as I'm driving to the next appointment or whatever, or in the morning during my quiet time, or evening before bed or all of the above. I'm going to spend time intentionally thinking these kinds of thoughts about food and eating. He intends us to be able to enjoy all things in moderation. That's another truth I might include To help me get over this belief that food is a stronghold. Nowhere is it written that food is a stronghold.

Speaker 2:

And then we can also go down the road of what food is not. Food is not my friend. Food does not care about me. Food is not a person. Food cannot help me with my emotional needs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and food is not responsible for my misery. Maybe my choices with food contribute to my misery, but it's not the food. The food is not at fault or to credit for it. I mean, it's just food, it is just food.

Speaker 2:

Yes, food cannot give me the peace of God. Food cannot solve my problems. In fact, too much food will give me even more problems. Food can't fill the void Like, say, if I'm grieving, food can't fill those voids. Food is just food and in fact that's something that I say to myself often. It's a very quick, quick mind renewal Food is just food, right, right. Sometimes I'll even say it out loud if I feel like there's a food that seems to be pulling me. But of course it's not. And I just look at it and I just say you are just food, of course.

Speaker 2:

I just personified it again by saying you that's okay, we can talk to it.

Speaker 1:

Isaiah 2815 says we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place and I think what you were just saying about what food is not.

Speaker 1:

We often act like it will stifle or satisfy the longing of our hearts, and it won't. At best it just numbs. We make that lie the place we hide away in, and God wants us to come out from that hiding place and let him be our hiding place. You know it refers to him as our hiding place in the Psalms, that he fills our hearts with songs of deliverance and we can hide ourselves in him. So what I believe about food is it God's thoughts? I want to scrutinize my thoughts and bring them before God and say Lord, what do you have to say about that? What is the mind of Christ? Going back to how we started, what is the mind of Christ? What are your thoughts about this belief I hold about food and eating? Am I going to more food than my body needs right now Because I have a need for you, god? Is there something you want me to turn to you about?

Speaker 2:

It's so good to think about these things, so I pulled up something that one of the ladies that I coached sent to me, and I think this would be the perfect place to sneak it right in. I asked her I asked all of the ladies I coach with and we do this in our classes as well about food and what is food to you and what is it not, and I loved her answers. Food to me is a sensory pleasure given by God, isn't that true? I love that, a way to nourish each cell in my body. That's amazing. I love it. Energy for my day.

Speaker 2:

Eating is a time for me to pause and thank God for his provision, and sharing a meal can be a time to reconnect with my husband and my family. I love those. Aren't those beautiful? They are Just to kind of add on to the list we had before. And then food is not a comforter, the only way to connect with my husband and family, the only sensory pleasure in my life. Food is not the way to deal with emotions or anxiety. It's not helpful in clarifying my thoughts, it doesn't solve anything, it doesn't call to me and it's not fun in and of itself. That comes from my own thoughts. If that's what I think, I thought that was just a really good list.

Speaker 1:

It's a great list. And again, those kinds of thoughts, I can take them to God and say what are your thoughts about this? And he will say yep, yep, yep, yep. And then I can take those thoughts and keep telling them to my own soul. The precedent for this is set by the psalmist, who speaks to his own soul, and we have examples of that.

Speaker 1:

Even the prophet Jeremiah, in Lamentations, chapter three, says therefore, because of all this Gaul, he said he was miserable. So he called to mind the truth from God. He invited himself to think God's thoughts. And that is where we get the beautiful, great as I faithfulness song. It's from Jeremiah renewing his mind. He was talking about the bitterness and the Gaul of his life and how awful it was. Therefore, I call to mind and have hope. The Lord's great mercies are new every morning. It's awesome to see that we can do the same. We call to mind the truth from God and tell ourselves what is true, Tell ourselves what to think. The more we do this, the more likely we are to think with the mind of Christ, to think God's thoughts in those moments when we're backed up against a wall, an emotional tidal wave is hitting us or we are just in that agitated space or we have bad news that suddenly hits us or we're at a celebratory event, especially the holiday time where everybody's kind of doing it.

Speaker 1:

These things will come to mind because I've renewed my mind. My renewed mind will instruct me, because God says if you renew your mind, child, I will transform you, he will transform us. And that's when we get to see it. It's when we do it preemptively and proactively, tell ourselves what to think. We're going to see those thoughts come up just when we need them.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I think when you talk about that, heidi, what comes to mind are so many of our participants who will say but I renewed my mind last week or. But I renewed my mind once yesterday and my behaviors are the same. Nothing is changing. My thoughts are the same. What would you say to a person who said that?

Speaker 1:

That's a really good question, and I'm glad you went there, because I was hoping we would kind of go this direction. Romans 12, too, is our you know ministry verse. That says be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Now you can kind of look at it the other way around too.

Speaker 1:

If I'm not experiencing transformation, then perhaps no matter what I'm doing, it's not mind renewal. I know that's hard for many of us to swallow, but I have quiet time every morning, or I'm in community Bible study or Bible study fellowship, or my pastor leads me through an inductive study of the scriptures every day, or I listen to all these podcasts. That is not the point. The point is am I experiencing the fruit of transformation in my life? Because God says if I'm renewing my mind, I will, he will see to it. So if a person is not seeing the transformation in their life that God promises, then we want to invite him to show us Lord. Am I truly renewing my mind? When I study the Bible, or when I do it once every blue moon, it's like yes. Well, the truth is he wants us to walk in the newness of mind that he wants to give us, and that means moment in, moment out hour in, hour out. It's not more Bible study. You might be glad to hear that, yes, we want to be in the Word. We, yes, we want to be in prayer. Yes, we want to learn the Word of God by heart. But that may not renew our minds unless we reel it in and allow God to target the truth to the lies that we, to actually refute the lies that we tend to believe, like that food is my friend or food is my stronghold. We want to let him target those truths with the Word of God. So let me just give an example. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. I've seen lots of people call that a truth card in our ministry over the years. That's a beautiful truth from God's Word and it is a true truth. It is the mind of Christ.

Speaker 1:

But I can keep that at arm's length and not let it address the lie. The lie inside of my heart might be I need to take care of this business with my body and my eating, and so I'm going to count calories, or I need to take care of not eating anything white and no white sugar, no white flour. It's like I think I need the strength of rules and the strength of a program of some sort. When God is saying, wait, you can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you, doesn't that also mean you can say no to excess of too much of this or too much of that? That's the truth from Philippians 4.13. That is targeted to the lies I believe about food and eating, perhaps, or about myself.

Speaker 1:

I need to take that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and apply it like say no to the second helpings or say no to more of that, or say no to eating in response to bad news or whatever else it might be. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, like take time to renew my mind, or renew my mind on the fly. I mean I can't. I really can't. I am more than a conqueror in Christ. Okay, that's a truth from God's Word.

Speaker 1:

I've heard people put it in their truth cards for years and it's a beautiful truth. But if it just stays on the card and doesn't get applied, I can tell myself I'm more than a conqueror in Christ a million times. But unless I apply it to the places where I feel weakest, to the places where I'm prone to just lay over for the enemy and let him have his way, or my flesh and let my flesh have its way. I will not experience the transformation that God promises through mind renewal. I need to target it the person who said they renewed their mind last week. Some people think, well, I have my quiet time every morning and that that's mind renewal. It's not necessarily. And the person who said I renew my mind last week may mean I look through my truth cards or whatever it might be.

Speaker 1:

I did my praise fest and added to my God list and all those tools that we've shared, but if we don't do it day in, day out, moment in, moment out, really it's a walk with the Lord, it's. It's I think it's part of what Paul meant when he said we are to pray without ceasing, because so many of the mind renewal tools that we use, it's just another way of connecting with God through prayer. Really, I mean, don't you?

Speaker 2:

think yes, absolutely. So many of our tools, well, and really all of our tools are just leading us back to him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's what they're doing, is leading us back to him in in Thanksgiving, in humility, as we praise him. Yes, absolutely, that's what the tools are doing.

Speaker 1:

So, listener, what lies have you found refuge in? Like Isaiah 28, 15 says, is there a lie that is like front and center? You can think of it right now, just being asked Is there a falsehood that you have hidden away and actually run to it to try to be safe from those emotional tidal waves? Or maybe you, like me, I've struggled with this. I try to hide from the wounds of my life behind a carton of ice cream or within a candy bar wrapper. It's just not going to happen.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's bleeding and, yes, there's a dopamine hit. That happens, that brings that neurotransmitter flowing through my body and there's a happiness that seems to happen, but it's instant. It goes away fast and then I'm left with the guilt and shame of having let my flesh or the enemy have its way. I mean, that's so sad when, if I could renew my mind preemptively, proactively, before the temptation hits, when the temptation hits, I will think with the mind of Christ and I won't keep overeating over all the emotions, over all the situations, over all the sad phone calls or disappointing news in the world today. Whatever it might be the powerlessness that I feel, I will. Instead, my mind, my renewed mind, will instruct me and I will find myself hiding myself in him.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, well, and then we'll have you know. People say to us but this feels like it's taking a long time. And I will say give me an idea of how often you're renewing your mind about these things that you're struggling with and tell me what you're using. And oftentimes, like you said, heidi, it's either too broad, it's kind of a general well, god loves me. Well, that's great. Yes, he does, of course, he does so so much. But how long have we been thinking these, these old thoughts? How long For many of us, for me, for you, heidi, decades, right, I mean so many years Since I was 14, 15 years old. It's. It's going to take a lot of repetition. We're going to need to renew our minds with those truths again and again and again, as you mentioned, several times a day at least. And it doesn't take long. It doesn't take long at all. But if we are not engaging that way with the truth and inviting God in to transform us, it's not going to happen.

Speaker 1:

We're just going to stay stuck where we are, and maybe even more frustrated because we think we've been renewing our minds. Our belief that we're renewing our minds and that God isn't doing what he promised is going to drive us. I mean it could. It could drive a bigger witch in our relationship with the Lord and we might end up struggling with faith because we think he's not holding up his end of the bargain and we are when we really aren't renewing our minds at all. We're kind of keeping it at an intellectual distance. It's like, okay, I know that I can do all things to Christ, who strengthens me. I say in my head and I say with my mouth, maybe. But where does the rubber hit the road in my life? Is there a moment in time where I can recall looking over my day and seeing that truth be applied to a place where I want to give in? I mean, do I that's?

Speaker 2:

I mean it's huge question really when you think about it, heidi you and I both absolutely love that moment in one of our classes and somebody says I've got to share because for the first time that renewed mind, you know, kicked in like you were just talking about Heidi and I had God's thoughts instead of mine, in a situation where I've always gone left and this time I went right and it felt so good and it was so freeing and I can't believe it actually happened.

Speaker 1:

And you and I are just grinning ear to ear because oh yeah, and then you're just going into claps and just thumps and, oh my gosh, we're doing the wave yes exactly, truly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it's like there, that's it, that's it. You just tasted it. You just had a taste of what it feels like to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and so if there's something in your life that you don't eat over, okay, well, don't renew your mind about it, whatever. But for me and I think it's safe to say for Christina there's not a whole lot historically, we haven't overeaten over. Right, we're not fond of food about.

Speaker 1:

And so we could renew our minds about literally everything, everything, god. What are your thoughts about this, god, you know? About the appointment with the doctor, what are your thoughts about connecting with that former friend that I now feel awkward about? What are your thoughts about that? I could overeat about each of those sorts of things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and they're not all bad or difficult either. I would overeat over celebrating or something really exciting happy news, you know, or traveling. It's like yay, it's time to eat.

Speaker 1:

Well, what are God's thoughts about that? And it's not like he's wagging a finger in our face. He's like no, I have so much better for you. Be present to the people you're with, be present to me, be present to the beauty of nature that you're going into as you go on this trip, or whatever it might be. And that is the way that our minds are changed. We renew our minds and we experience his transformation.

Speaker 2:

We let him bring it home to our hearts. It's so good. It's so good and I can't tell you how amazing it feels when that first happens. You know or maybe it's not your first, maybe it's your, you know, 21st or 31st or 101st, but it still feels so exciting when a thought pops into your mind that is not the same as it has been for so long, and the thought is life giving and it's good and it's true and it lines up with God's thoughts. That feels amazing.

Speaker 1:

And because you have those new thoughts that came to you because of the renewing of your mind, you now act differently.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You, like Christina said, instead of turning left, you're turning right, and that's like it may mean I am going up to somebody and being kind to them instead of being antagonistic. I mean, it's not just about food and eating, it's about all of life. It really is. This is our sanctification. We're called by God to this. We're not saying that God's word is not enough. We're not saying that praying is not enough.

Speaker 1:

We're saying it's not enough. Here are a whole bunch of ways of incorporating, of a kind of integrating praying and the scriptures into my life in a way that is doable, in a way that can. I can do this by repetition, because repetition is going to make all the difference.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I might not be able to sit down every 20 minutes and open God's word, but if I have developed a habit of maybe, lord I love, and I can just on my drive, wherever I'm going, or in the shower, lord, I love that you have made this morning so beautiful. You have made it so beautiful, lord I love the hug of my 31 year old son, lord, that just reminds me of your goodness every time I get to feel it. It's a beautiful way of connecting with God, connecting with the goodness of God and His word, and so it's not like we're saying God's word isn't enough.

Speaker 2:

Abs? No, not at all. Not at all. It's our source for everything, God and His word. It's our source for truth, and I'm so glad he left the word for us so that we know who he is and what he does for people and what His thoughts are. I'm so grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you for joining us. I sure hope that something here has blessed you in some way and that you can see the benefit of renewing your mind. The more we fixate on the food, the more we're going to want to eat the food. I mean, if I say food is my stronghold, if I say sugar's my stronghold, I need to stop eating this, or I'm going to want to go after it. What if I renew my mind instead?

Speaker 2:

We are so glad that you've been here today and we hope that you'll join us for our next episode of Revelation Within on the code. Bye, bye.

Speaker 1:


Mind Renewal and Overeating
Understanding Our Thoughts About Food
The Power of Mind Renewal
Connecting With God and His Word