Revelation Within On the Go!

Revelation Within June Classes Preview

Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley Season 1 Episode 96

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In this episode, we are so excited to share with you all the classes we have lined up starting in June! We give you a sneak peek into all 6 of them and tell you where to go to get registered.  We hope you are ready. There are over 30 opportunities to get LIVE support in classes! You'll hear about "Spirit-Led Eating Basics", "Mind Renewal Basics", "Fresh Wind, Fresh Desire (Then and Now)", "Challenges with Spirit-Lead Eating", "Thin Within Book (Then and Now)", and our "Mind Renewal Strategy Session".  Whether you're navigating away from diet culture or searching for peace in your eating habits, join us for a soulful exploration in our June series. This episode is more than an infomercial, it is your ticket to a journey into mindful, Holy Spirit-led living! We hope you will join us.
Go to: Revelation Within for all the information on each class, including dates and times, and how to register. You do not want to miss this opportunity!

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Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to our podcast, revelation Within On the Go. I'm Heidi Biles-Maepperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the Revelation Within ministry, and I'm Christina Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach, and Heidi's partner in all's Revelation Within. We are so happy to invite you to join us for this episode of Revelation Within on the go. I'm excited to talk about what we are going to talk about today. I'm really excited about it. Yeah, me too. June is going to be an amazing month at Revelation Within, an amazing month, I tell you. We are launching what we're calling just weekly classes, and in June June 3rd is when we start there will be two one-hour classes on Mondays, two one-hour classes on Thursdays and two one-hour classes on Thursdays and two one hour classes on Fridays. Six different classes that anybody can participate in free of charge. Isn't that a good price? That's a good price. That's amazing. Did you say free? Yes, yes, and so what Christina and I are going to do today is share with you what these classes are about, so you know if you want to get in on it. So in June, they're free to everybody. And to continue on beyond June, it will be available only to community members. So it's not like you're going to miss out if you just do June and don't continue on in the community. That's fine. We know that may be what a lot of people do, but we wanted to offer something for free because we know that's fine. We know that may be what a lot of people do, but we wanted to offer something for free because we know that's always a good thing. Yeah, it's always a good thing, and what a great way to start off the summer. I love the timing, I love it. Great, great time to get going with Revelation Within. Awesome, yes. Or restart. Either way is great, good, good, good.

Speaker 1:

So the first class that we're going to be offering is called what Spirit-led eating basics. Oh, this sounds wonderful, wonderful, yes. And so, for many people who have been a part of Thin Within in the past, you may wonder what are we doing with the eight keys to conscious eating? Well, we prayerfully invited God to show us what to do with those and, as you may have heard in a podcast or elsewhere, we came up with the five intentions of spirit-led eating. So this Monday class, available every Monday in June at two o'clock for an hour that's Pacific Daylight Time we will focus on what is spirit-led eating. How do we do it? What do I need to know in order to be successful? Christina, let's read through, let's take turns reading through what these intentions are, so people know. Oh, that's for me Great Sounds great.

Speaker 1:

Number one I will busy myself as the spirit leads until I prayerfully sense a physical hunger signal. Leads, until I prayerfully sense a physical hunger signal Yay. And number two I will invite the spirit of God into my meal with a heart of gratitude and praise. Oh, I love that, okay. Number three I will choose food in a just right size portion that delights my taste buds and causes my body to feel energized and strong Wonderful. Number four I will create a peaceful eating experience by being present with the food and reducing distractions. And the last one, number five, I will stop eating before my stomach is full, at the peaceful place, of just enough, yay.

Speaker 1:

So this class is a great opportunity for people who are transitioning out of dieting. Maybe, or you have been a part of some other intuitive eating program, some other, you know. Listening to your body Is my body hungry? Has it had enough food? What foods work well with my body, if you have any experience with any of those and want or want to transition out of dieting, this is a great place to start, yes. Or if you've always dreamed, like I had for so long, of being a peaceful eater and just totally being at peace with food and eating and your body, and, oh my goodness, this is the place.

Speaker 1:

This is where we're going to talk about it all. It's going to be wonderful, yes, mondays at 2 pm, pacific Daylight Time, and you can even register in advance. We need people to register in advance by going to revelationwithinorg. It is free. Revelationwithinorg there's little banners you'll see with each of the class names. You click on any one of those banners and poof up will pop a registration form. This is your time to make it happen.

Speaker 1:

You, too, can be a spirit-led eater, and we're going to talk about things like how do I even get started? Yeah, and what else will we talk about? We're going to talk about portions. What's a just right size portion? What does that mean and what are some things I need to be aware of, especially for those of us that are transitioning out of dieting. There can be a lot of well, a lot of ways that the dieting mentality walks with me into this attempt, and we want to just expose some of those thoughts that might plague me. Also, what does it mean to invite God into our food and eating? You know what does that look like on a daily basis. What does that really mean in a practical way? Right, and then what are some challenges that you might face if you are trying to eat this way, if you're hoping to eat according to hunger and satisfied signals? We want to be sure that we address some of the beginning challenges you might have. We'll have another class that talks about more advanced challenges and how to manage those, but this is the perfect entry point for many people who are just joining us or just returning to us. So, yay, come and enjoy for free during the month of June, starting June 3rd.

Speaker 1:

Two o'clock Pacific time. Sign up at revelationwithinorg. Okay, what else do we have? Christina at 4 o'clock on Monday's Pacific Daylight Time Okay, on Mondays at 4 pm Pacific, we have Mind Renewal Basics. Oh, I'm so excited. Mondays are just going to be power-packed. These are going to be so good, both on Mondays.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to talk about what is mind renewal, what does it mean to renew your mind, and why do we want to even begin there. Why do we want to do it Right and how to start? Is it more Bible study? Because I don't have time for that. No, it's not. No, it's not. It's something so wonderful and you may have heard on our podcast us describe it before, but this is an opportunity to front and center. We're going to sit down and talk about it with you on a Zoom call and really enjoy working it working it in a delightful way, well, and is it possible even to renew your mind on a busy, busy day? And how long does it take? Does it take a long time? Is it very short and quick? Is it both? I can't wait until June 3rd to hear that.

Speaker 1:

Christina, could you give me a sneak peek at some of the answers? A sneak peek? Okay, here is a sneak peek. Mind renewal can be one minute long. It can even be 30 seconds long. Yes, yes. And how about this? It's not draining or exhausting, it's life-giving. It will change your moments, it will change your day, it will change the decisions you make, how you respond to things, how you respond in relationships, and your relationship with the Lord will grow and grow. It'll be wonderful. You're going to love it. You're going to love it. Let's prove it real quick right now. Let's do an on the fly 30 seconds.

Speaker 1:

What if mind renewal practice right now? Okay, great, great, go Heidi. What if I really can eat a little bit less food and be completely satisfied? What if God really is my hope in this area of my life where I've felt hopeless for so long? What if I really can deepen my intimacy with him and not sacrifice this sense of I'm okay in my own skin? Instead, I know I'm his and he has called me to divine worth and power and ability and callings and all kinds of good stuff. Woo, that's a big what if? Yeah, what if there's something that I can do every day that will change my old patterns and habits?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this class on Mondays at 4 pm Pacific time, we're going to be giving you some of these ideas of why do we renew our minds, how to do it quickly and easily on the fly, how to be sure you don't get stuck in some sort of nasty legalism but stay in the life giving flow of renewing your mind. It's awesome, you know. So many people think that you know, life is about my physical size and my weight and all of that, and God really is more concerned that we know about our worth in Him, and so mind renewal focuses us front and center on His worth and what he has declared to be true about me. And as I get that set straight and as I practice telling myself how to think God's thoughts about it wow, everything else falls into place. It really does. So that's kind of cool. I'm excited about Mondays. I'm really excited about Mondays. That's going to be an amazing day, amazing, all right.

Speaker 1:

So Thursdays at 2 pm, pacific Daylight Time, we are going to have a lot of fun going through the Fresh Wind, fresh Desire workbook. We're calling this class Fresh Wind, fresh Desire, then and Now. Now, christina, tell me why we would call it Then and Now. What are we doing? Well, fresh Wind, fresh Desire has been around for a while. You wrote it, heidi, and I came around at the end and I helped you finish it, which was absolutely an amazing experience.

Speaker 1:

There's so many wonderful, wonderful truths in that book, so I'm just going to start with the positives. Oh my gosh, it's a workbook. You can write all through it. It's almost like a journal in some ways, and it leads you through the basics and the foundations of mind renewal and of what we used to be called thin within. We're now revelation within and our focus has sharpened a little bit. Well, we're celebrating some things that we've taught for a long time, and then other things we're beginning to kind of look at and scrutinize prayerfully and ask God, is this what you would have us continue to encourage people with, or is there a new way of presenting the truth that you have in mind? Yes, and I would love, love, love. I think Heidi too would love to see this book revised and edited and republished at some point. But for right now, why don't you come and join us? Yes, there is just fabulous truth in this book. I actually use it for most of my one-on-one coaching sessions with my ladies and we love it. And so come and let's talk about it, let's discuss it, let's go through it together. It's going to be a great time.

Speaker 1:

So this class is a little bit different than the Monday classes, monday classes. Basically, it's possible that they will feel very similar from Monday to Monday, though with different people there. Of course, it'll adjust and change, but this one we are walking through Fresh Wind, fresh Desire, which is available on Amazon if you want to grab a copy, and we will be going through it one lesson at a time and because we only have an hour, it's possible that we'll only get through one lesson, but there's 24 total lessons in the workbook and if you join us in the community after June, we'll be continuing to do that. Otherwise, you can feel free to go on your own with it. But best thing is, you will have a resource at your fingertips for mind and soul strategies related to this journey, specifically to food, eating and body image, and it's I think it's a great resource and, to be honest with you, this is a secret, don't tell anybody is a secret. Don't tell anybody.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be using this class to help Christina and I know what needs to be revised for future editions of a Revelation Within version of Freshman First Empire. So this is going to help us out and your feedback if you come to the classes would be greatly helpful to us. Yes, yeah, that sounds like a great time. I love that. Yeah, to register, go to revelationwithinorg. Find the gold banner that matches up with the date and time and the class name Fresh One, fresh Desire. Then and Now, click it and you'll get a registration form. It'll be just lovely to have you there. I would love to see you there, me too. That one starts June 6th, so it's all coming right up, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

Another class that we have, starting June 6th, thursdays through June and beyond 4 pm, pacific Daylight Time what's that one, christina? This one is going to be navigating challenges with spirit-led eating. Yeah, so we're going to be talking about well, maybe you know the basics, maybe you've kind of gotten started already, maybe you're new to them, but you're already having some challenges and you want to kind of talk about things. Let's let's talk about that. Let's talk about strategies that will help you to manage this and really enjoy it. Yeah, and one of the things that we've heard a lot from people over the years who have been practicing spirit led eating, or the keys to conscious eating prior to that, is I'm a nurse, I'm a teacher or I'm a court reporter or whatever it might be. How can I eat this way when I have very set schedule as to when I can pull away to have a meal? And so we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about what do you do when you have a busy, active family? How can you have a peaceful environment? How is that going to work. Another thing we'll be talking about is what about on vacation? Do you just throw it out the window? Instead of spirit-led eating, you just continue to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, because we're on vacation. What do we recommend for that sort of thing, whatever the challenges might be that a person might face on this spirit-led eating journey? We're going to be addressing some of those on Thursdays at 4 pm.

Speaker 1:

Yes, another one that I'm thinking of is emotions. Yes, another one that I'm thinking of is emotions. You know this has been the biggest one for me over the years is what do I do? How in the world can I become a spirit-led eater when I feel like my emotions are just driving me, especially with food and eating? How about that? We'll talk about that too. Yeah, can you give me a short answer? Sneak peek. A short answer, sneak peek. Yes.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, you're dealing with sorrow. You've been hit with some kind of a loss, something that's really big and deep, whatever that can be. It might be a person who has passed, but there's many other kinds of losses as well. Maybe you're struggling with sorrow and loss each day. How can you become and sustain peaceful eating when you've been spending most of your life going to food over loss, mm-hmm so, and I can think of someone right now who is going through a tremendous loss and is practicing spirit-led eating, and it is a wonderful piece for her during this difficult time.

Speaker 1:

So one of the things that we talk a lot about is how to deal with emotions in a healthy way, in a way that is God-designed. How do we deal with that? He gave us our emotions. We're made in His image. It's not a bad thing to have emotions, but we need to be able to deal with those in a way that doesn't lead us to counterfeit comforts, things that don't really comfort us. And so we're going to talk about how can we go to the Lord, how can we go to him and interact with him with our emotions. Maybe that will look like a mind renewal tool, for example, gratitude, a tool that has to do with gratitude, or a tool that has to do with what is true from God's perspective. Or it might be going to a scripture that is especially encouraging to you about loss and personalizing it, putting your name in it and reading that again and again, or even praying through it, so that you are talking with God about your loss and about your grief.

Speaker 1:

There's many, many. There's so many ways that we will share and help you with emotions and emotional eating and any challenges that come up with spirit-led eating. Some of them, like Christina has mentioned, have to do with emotions and how to handle emotions when I'm eating, if I'm going to eat at the same time that I'm feeling those emotions. But some of them are also remarkably practical in other ways If, for instance, the kids are being rowdy and I'm feeding them snacks to quiet them down. You know, what can I do about that to navigate that challenge? And so we're going to be giving you some great strategies and we're hoping that you will bring some of your own challenges that you need help with, and Christina and I, and others in the class perhaps, will be brainstorming. This will be a real, practical way of dealing with those challenges that come up to your intuitive style eating, listening to your body's hunger and satisfied signals. Yes, one other thing might be. Some people have said I never have a hunger signal, and so we're going to talk about what are possible reasons that that might seem to be the case and what can we do about it. Awesome, that sounds like an amazing class On Fridays.

Speaker 1:

We've got two more classes for y'all, again free for the month of June. It's awesome. 2 pm, pacific Daylight Time. Tell us about that one, christina, okay. So Fridays, we're going to be looking at the Thin Within book Then and Now. Why are we calling it Then and Now, christina? Okay?

Speaker 1:

So similar to Fresh Wind, fresh Desire, the Thin Within book has been around for a while and we want to go through it together with you and really highlight and kind of make bigger the things that are so, so good and so strong and important things that we really want to focus on in Revelation Within. We want to walk through this with you and, like the Fresh One, fresh Desire book, we're going to be scrutinizing some of what's in there. It's over 20 years old now, so is there anything in there that we would like to say a little differently? Yes, there is. So we're not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, we're embracing the really solid, godly, biblical teachings of this great resource, the Thin Within book. It's called Thin Within, a Grace-Oriented Approach to Lasting Weight Loss by Judy Halliday, and most people are familiar with it, if they've come to us at all, but we encourage you all to get a copy of that book and walk through it with us.

Speaker 1:

Again, this is a class kind of like the Fresh Wind, fresh Desire class, that each week will be progressively different. We'll be walking through the book. It doesn't mean that you can't come if you missed the first one or the second one or whatever. You're welcome to join us at any time and I'm sure you'll gain some benefit from going through this material with us. And we're excited about that. We are excited. Yeah, friday's at 2 pm.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited about revisiting this book. I haven't done a study of it in a while and, as you may know, I have the joy of collaborating with the Hallidays on the writing of this book. So I feel like it's a little bit like my baby that I'm going to be visiting again. Yeah, absolutely, I'm excited about it too. It has. I mean, it was a book that really influenced me and impacted me on my journey. I'm excited to look at it with everyone. So that class starts June 7th and, again, it's free for June. You're welcome to visit revelationwithinorg and register by clicking on the banner that goes with this particular class.

Speaker 1:

Then Within Book then, and now Yay, fantastic, okay, we have one more. We do? What is that? Fridays at 4 pm Pacific.

Speaker 1:

And this one is Mind Renewal Strategies to Navigate Challenges. Do we have any challenges, heidi? Not at all. No Life challenges. I have been renewing my mind now for 10 years and I can tell you that I have a whole long list of challenges that have come my way in the last 10 years, and I think Heidi has a very long list as well. Yes, I do, we have long lists, and so we together, heidi and I, but also in our community we have practiced mind renewal very specifically for those challenges. What are some of the challenges that we're thinking of, heidi?

Speaker 1:

The one that comes to my mind first is going through marital difficulties. I did not want the divorce that happened in my life after my 33-year marriage came to an end, so that was boy. Mind renewal is what helped me survive that and to survive it with my faith intact. I don't know how people could do it without mind renewal. I'm sure they do it all the time, but I couldn't. I couldn't.

Speaker 1:

What's another one? One for me is chronic illness that came up early on. It's been 10 years. I have chronic Lyme disease and I've used mind renewal every single day of this journey and many of you listening have chronic pain, chronic illness, chronic health conditions, and so we definitely want to share. How can we use mind renewal for those kinds of things? It's life changing. I, too, had a major health crisis. I don't have a chronic illness, but I have a chronic change to my body.

Speaker 1:

Certainly In 2014, when I first had just been renewing my mind for a few years and I got a scary diagnosis that said I had a staph infection eroding my spine, I needed to begin to renew my mind. I was already renewing my mind while it was still a mystery illness, but renewing my mind with God's truth. God knows what's going on in my life. This does not take him by surprise. God still gives me a hope and a future. I can trust in him and I will not imagine for one minute that this depends on me to figure out. Those are some of the truths that I needed to cleanse my mind with, to wash my mind with, in order to navigate through that challenge.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, another one that I can think of is parenting. When I started this whole process of renewing my mind and learning how to do it and practicing it, my kids were all school age. I have three kids and over these last 10 years they've all grown up and yeah, I know right. So now they're 24, 22, and 18. And so two of them have basically flown the nest. But that whole idea of parenting younger kids, parenting school age kids, teenagers that's a whole class by itself. Yes. And then what about adult kids? What about that? Renewing your mind about all of those things, that's oh my gosh. I can't imagine not having mind renewal for parenting. I can't imagine it.

Speaker 1:

And so this class is kind of going to be like a strategy session, so anybody can come on any of the Fridays at 4 pm, pacific Daylight Time, and if you have a situation that you are facing that you're not sure how to renew your mind about it, so that you can be at your very best as you go through it, come to our class at 4 pm Pacific and we will help strategize with you about that. Christina and I are going to be bringing different ideas for challenges people might face, so you might hear some examples from us, but we would love to have this be like a workshopping chance to bring your very practical, real life situations and for us to be able to help you strategize what you can do to renew your mind, to be at your, for us to be able to help you strategize what you can do, to renew your mind, to be at your best and to be all God calls you to in the situation you find yourself in. Well, and it's free coaching. Yes, it is Exactly. Come and get free coaching. Yes, and you know all the reason why we're doing this is we want to give you all a chance to get to know us and what, what we are teaching front and center, personally, up close and personal. I guess you know in our community, in our coaching one-on-one, what is it in our classes Because that's what these are we typically charge a premium price for our classes.

Speaker 1:

These are free. A premium price for our classes? These are free. It's amazing. It is amazing.

Speaker 1:

I will be honest with you. What I'm trying to do is encourage as many people as possible to join us in our community for the $9.99 a month, which we're not going to change the price of those who sign up by the end of June, but July 1st we are changing the price to $27.99. And what I hope to do is make it so enticing and that you want so much to continue with these studies that we're going to have every week six classes a week that you could pick from or do them all or whatever, and connect with Christina and me and others who are like-minded. This is a great opportunity for that and you could do it starting at the end of June for $9.99 a month. It's amazing. Our classes are typically way more than that, but it's free during June and we hope by the end of June you'll decide to join us in the community. So I'm just being honest. That's not the best way to market things, but I'm being honest. Yeah, no, I think it's great. Well, and you will love the community when you come and visit us there.

Speaker 1:

We have a wonderful, wonderful group of people, like Heidi said, like-minded. So much compassion and joy and encouragement there. Oh my gosh, we love our revelation within community. It's fabulous, yes, yes, yes, and icing on the cake if you are joining us for any of June in the community. So this is aside from these six classes a week. We are doing two additional classes each week in our community at 8 am Pacific time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Speaker 1:

We are walking through the Radiant Grace Planner, a 30-day guide to victorious living beyond size, and we're also going through the God's Worth in you Masterclass, because, again, we've found that it's not about your weight, it's about your worth, your sense of worth. Do we get our sense of worth from what the society tells us, from what friends and family may even tell us? The church may even tell us we need to get it from God, and when we do that, everything else falls into place. I'm excited about June. You can enjoy all of these classes with us and, yes, let us get to know you and you get to know us and make yourself at home. And even if you don't want to continue on into the community in June, that's fine, you'll get all of June's classes. Yeah, just come and join us.

Speaker 1:

All the classes are at 2 or 4 pm Pacific time. If you can't make that time live, the classes will be recorded, but they will only be accessible to people in the community. We've got to do something to make it an incentive for people to join us. You know it's $9.99 until July 1st and then it goes up for new people only. Anyway, it's going to be amazing.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking forward to it because, to be honest with you, I need classes in my life. I need to talk about spirit-led eating. I need to talk about spirit led eating. I need to talk about mind renewal. I need to be reminded of the strategies and the benefits and blessings of participating in these things. So I'm excited about that. I'm excited too. We can't wait to see you all there. Hope you'll join us and we hope that, even if this sounded like a prolonged ad-mercial or whatever you call what do you call those things? Infomercial, infomercial, whatever we hope there's something here of value that you might have been encouraged by. Yes, so join us for our next episode of Revelation Within On the go. We'll see you next time. Thanks for being here, bye, bye.

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