Revelation Within On the Go!
Revelation Within equips people with life-giving, grace-infused mind renewal tools to deepen their intimacy with Jesus so that counterfeit comforts (like overeating) lose their allure, and the joy and hope of Jesus fills their lives, satisfying their souls.
In our podcast we talk about mind renewal, tips and tricks for getting and staying free from counterfeit comforts like overeating (over-scrolling, over-drinking, over-anythinging...)
We began as Thin Within in 1975, a pioneer in intuitive, mindful eating back when diets were in their hey day! Thin Within has taught people how to tune in to their body's natural signals of hunger and satisfaction, remaining present with their meals and delighting in tastes and textures--and the Lord!
In the 1980s, Thin Within became a Christian ministry, showing people that the emptiness that they have felt and often filled with food that their bodies don't require, was really placed in there to be filled full with God through Jesus. He wants to set us free from all strongholds!
We rebranded our ministry and our podcast in 2023 to Revelation Within.
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Revelation Within On the Go!
Scriptural Self-Perception: Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes
Have you ever wondered what it truly means to see yourself through God's eyes? On this episode of Revelation Within On the Go, we believe you'll gain a transformative understanding of your inherent worth as we align our self-perception with the timeless truths of scripture. Join us as we turn down the noise of society's fleeting standards and amplify the affirmations of Psalm 139:14, celebrating the beautiful reality that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We're sharing heartfelt stories of personal struggles and victories, along with practical steps to help you shift your self-perception from critical societal lenses to the divine affirmation found in God's word. We hope you will embrace your identity as a beloved creation of God, and join us on this journey to finding peace through biblical identity. Let's renew our minds with God's eternal truth and transform our lives.
Learn more about our Revelation Within Community: https://www.revelationwithin.org
Hi, welcome to our podcast Revelation Within On the Go. I'm Heidi Biles-Maepperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the Revelation Within ministry.
Speaker 2:And I'm Christina Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach and Heidi's partner in all things Revelation Within. We are so happy to invite you to join us for this episode of Revelation Within on the go. What are we talking about today?
Speaker 1:Heidi, we want to embrace a biblical self-perception instead of what normally happens, of what normally happens. So we're going to set aside the world's loud wah, wah, wah, wah wah, those loud voices that often dictate things like who we should be, how we should look, what we should pursue in our lives. Today, we want to turn the volume up a little bit on scripture. Yes, which scripture offers us this clear and beautiful reflection of our value.
Speaker 2:Oh, that sounds like a wonderful topic. When you just said wah, wah, wah, that was reminding me of the old Peanuts cartoons. You know, when the adults were talking and all the kids heard was wah, wah, wah wah.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, all right. Well, let's get into this wonderful topic. I think this will be awesome, and let's start with a verse that is both powerful and affirming, and you know that I love Psalm 139. It's my favorite Psalm. This is verse 14. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. I wanted to think about this for a minute. I mean, I actually love thinking on this. What does it mean that I am fearfully and wonderfully made? What does that mean? This isn't a passive statement. I mean it's an active proclamation of my intricate design and inherent value, crafted by an all knowing creator. Wow.
Speaker 1:Let's have a party, because that's awesome.
Speaker 2:Yay, it is. I mean, this is so beautiful.
Speaker 1:Especially when you contrast this with the way society defines us and their fleeting standards. It changes with the seasons, literally Like if it's summer, there's one standard and that's like disrobe more and more and ask ourselves which narrative have I allowed to shape my self view? Have I allowed to shape my self view, the view that I take with me into situations, circumstances, the one I go to bed with at night? What is my self view at night? What about the one that goes with me when I look in the mirror or see myself in pictures? The one sculpted by the hands of societal pressure or the one etched in eternity by God's own love?
Speaker 2:Oh, wow, that's a really good question, heidi.
Speaker 1:Well, I think about it. Which one do you think describes you best? Which one have you embraced the most? Which one have you allowed to shape yourself? I know, for me it's this constant pressure to be different than I am. I was born different. I know I really struggle with allowing society's pressures and even as fickle as society is, I mean I can't come close to measuring up to their standards, but I don't even want to. I mean that's just, it is what do I really want? And yet there's times when I feel that pressure and it changes the way I think in a way that is not reflective of all the hours of mind renewal I've done with God and it's so sad that I let that happen. So I really I want to dig in a little bit more and renew my mind with what scripture says about where I should get my self-perception, and I mean God has a lot to say about this he does.
Speaker 2:This is something that I have struggled with since I was a teenager. I've talked about it before. Just this pressure, like you said, there's this pressure to look a certain way and dress a certain way. But this is in right now. Oh well, it's out already. What about this one? Well, you know, you're not the right size, or you're not curvy enough, or you're too curvy, or you're this or you're that, and there is, there's so much pressure from society to look a certain way, be a certain way, act a certain way, have certain things. All of that. I've gotten really, really tired of that over this past. I feel like, especially this past year. I mean, I've been working on it for a while, but I've really worked on it intentionally in the last year or so. Yay, yeah, you know I've talked about this, heidi.
Speaker 2:When you know you're walking downtown, you're window shopping, and there's your reflection in the windows and what goes through your mind and you know those of you who are listening, I bet you could tell us a whole bunch of what goes through your mind when you see yourself in a reflection, in a mirror, and then there's the whole picture thing, right, especially if you're not the one choosing which pictures to post. My cousin was visiting me a week ago and she took a horrible picture of us. She said, oh, this is so cute. I thought, no, it isn't. I liked the picture I took of us, but anyway, I mean, that is something that we are, especially with social media and with all the FaceTiming we do and all the Zooming we do. We're looking at ourselves all the time in this culture. I know. So I have been working on it and you know how I've been doing this, heidi, and I've shared with some of our groups and classes and coaching and everything.
Speaker 2:I have written a list of what I want my thoughts to be like when I see myself in the mirror in a picture, and I've been practicing and it's not just for me, it's for everybody that I see. So, for example, the thoughts that I'm practicing are there she goes, radiant and redeemed, or there she goes that's God's girl, she was made in God's image, and there's several. I have like a list of 10 thoughts that I've been practicing. And then, when you're in a group and there's all kinds of people around you, maybe you're at church or at the grocery store or the movie theater, and then you practice on others too. She is a child of God. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. Look at him. He's made in God's image, and it just really changes the way you look at others and the way you look at yourself.
Speaker 1:What a beautiful idea.
Speaker 2:Well, like we said in the beginning of our time together, turn up the volume on God's truth. I love that idea.
Speaker 2:What are we hearing all day long. We have the volume turned up, Social media and podcasts and our coworkers and friends, family I mean, we love our friends and family but sometimes the volume is turned up so high on what everyone else thinks and expects that the volume on what God thinks is turned way, way down. We can't even hear it, we don't even know it's there and so we have to be intentional. Grab that knob on the radio. So that's really dating me.
Speaker 2:Turn it up, turn up the truth of what God says about who we are.
Speaker 1:Mm, hmm, yeah, in our ministry we consider there to be two strong pillars of what we believe about God and who he says he is, and what we believe about who we are, who he says we are. Those two things are so important to have ironed out and a biblical view of those we want to think God's thoughts about, who he is and God's thoughts about who we are and when we do.
Speaker 1:It makes all the difference in the world. You know it's interesting to go back to creation. The story in Genesis, chapter one, verse 27, tells us so God created mankind in his own image. In the image of God, he created them, male and female. He created them. It's amazing when you think about this, really pull this apart, it's profound. Being made in God's image means that there is some aspect to us that is God's very own nature. We are made in his image. There is something about us that isn't dependent on external recognition or external validation, but it is just a part of us, having been created by our amazing God and therefore we have value, we have worth. It doesn't matter if it matches up some unknown or known, written or unwritten set of expectations that society puts in place. Not at all, in fact. So very often, aspects of society's standards for what I should be and how I should look Is it odds with what scripture says? I mean not even sort of, but full on at odds with what scripture says about my worth.
Speaker 2:Don't you think, Christina? Oh, absolutely Absolutely. When we really start to dive into the word and ask God, invite God into this. You know, how do you see me, Lord? How do you see me in comparison to the way society sees me? It's like night and day, it really is. And I, I love this question. This is such a good question to think on. How does it change your perspective to know your value, valued not because of what you do, your success or how you look, but because you are a reflection of God himself? Whoa, I mean, just think about that for a minute. You know, and we've talked in other podcasts about how God says that we are his masterpiece. Just the way we are right now, just exactly the way you are right now. You are God's masterpiece because he is the master. That's amazing and it takes so much pressure off of us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I wonder how would it change the way I operate in this world, you know, and how I think, of course, because my actions are a reflection of my beliefs, which are a reflection of my thoughts. So how would it change my actions in this world If I really believed that I am a reflection of God almighty, if I really really believed that there is something about me, just the way I am, without any changes, without painting my face or without shape-shifting at all, or without saying I believe one thing when I don't, I am nevertheless a reflection of the very image of God. I am nevertheless a reflection of the very image of God.
Speaker 2:Oh, my word. You know what I mean. I'm still working on this. Of course, I'm going to be working on this until I step into heaven. But I have found so much peace in the renewing of the mind about who I am and about how God sees me. It gives me so much peace to take that pressure off of me that somehow I have to meet the world's expectations. And no, I don't, you know, I would much rather dwell on the life-giving thoughts that are God's, the way that he sees us. I mean he sees us as his radiant daughters and sons. You know, it's amazing, it's beautiful.
Speaker 1:It really is. It really is. So we want to encourage you right now. Close your eyes for just a moment and imagine God, his hands on you and he's crafting you and shaping you. And of course, we often think of externals only, but you know, like the potter and the clay image, but when he crafted you, he crafted you, he crafted me, crafted Christina, inside and out. How do you feel about who you are and what you reflect in this world, and how you think you can kind of just take a moment to be honest with yourself as we share together? What are some feelings and thoughts that you have that you'd kind of like to change if you could? This is a totally private moment. You don't have to tell anyone your answers. Of course, we want to begin to see our opinions, our feelings, our thoughts through the lens of God's truth about our worth, because what he says is true is what is true.
Speaker 2:Along these lines of what we're talking about here and this process that I have been going through myself. I love the idea of writing a freedom list about body image. I mean, so many of us struggle with this right. We struggle and we struggle again and again, but we don't seem to kind of pull ourselves out. So in order to be free of the struggle, we have to be intentional with mind renewal. So what would it really be like even just think about this right now. What would it be like to feel at peace with your body right now, or even in the upcoming season, whatever is coming next for you? You know, what would it be like to invite God into this and dream with him for a few minutes, and then we want to use what he impresses on our hearts as a truth list to renew our mind often. So I kind of started one of these truth lists and I wanted to share it with you, and then you can add your own or create your own and use it to renew your mind often, so that your beliefs begin to change.
Speaker 2:And feeling at peace with my body, my body image, I would only allow kind and lovely and truth-filled thoughts to fill my mind about my body. I mean that's really hard. I'm not saying it's not hard, but that's where I would be if I could look ahead and say, wow, I really feel peace. I really want to know God's perspective. Okay, how about this one? I would take captive any negative, condemning thoughts that came through my mind and I would submit them to Christ. That's what he tells us to do in his word. And then I would replace those with his life-giving truth about who he says I am. And then this one I already mentioned I would say things to myself like there she goes, radiant and redeemed and made in God's image, fearfully and wonderfully, and God loves what he made in me and I love being God's own beloved. Here's another one that I think is so important. And when I dream with the Lord, I would live in a posture of gratitude about my body, thanking God for what it can do, such as thanking Lord for strong legs that carry me up and down the stairs so many times a day. Thank you for arms that work well to serve and hug those I love.
Speaker 2:What else? What else would I dream about? That freedom would feel like in the future. I would renew my mind before social gatherings so that condemning thoughts about myself would be replaced with truth, leaving me available to serve and bless and think about others. That sounds wonderful to me. I love that idea.
Speaker 2:I want to renew my mind about that. I would jump at the opportunity to look and learn when I mess up in some way, inviting God in and asking him for insight and wisdom. That would be definitely a part of my freedom is looking and learning and asking God his thoughts. And then one more I would praise God throughout each day for who he is and what he does for me, keeping my eyes fixed on him. That's just the beginning of my list, but that's an example of a truth list that I can save and use again and again so that this area of my life actually changes. And over time it is changing, and over time it will become more and more natural for me to look at myself in the mirror as I age, as my body changes, and say there she goes, she's radiant and redeemed. That's the truth from God's point of view.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thank you for that. Here's some Bible verses too that offer encouragement and a godly perspective on self-worth that go very well with what you just shared. In the midst of societal pressures, we can be different about how we view ourselves, rather than measuring it by the way everybody else does. 1 Samuel 16, 7 says but the Lord said to Samuel Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. I love that.
Speaker 1:God's focus is on the inner character, the heart that we have. That stands in such contrast to society's preoccupation with external appearance, external body. You know which diet are you? On what exercise plan are you doing, how faithful are you, et cetera, et cetera. We want to value those inner eternal qualities and God's divine purpose for us over the superficial standards, just like God does. We want to think God's thoughts about our bodies, think about the mind of Christ, another one that we see in second Corinthians, 4, 16 to 18. You want to read that one, christina Sure.
Speaker 2:Therefore, we do not lose heart, though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day, for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. That far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, it's just temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. So I mean, wow, you know, this passage inspires us to focus on inner renewal and spiritual growth, which holds eternal significance, rather than external appearances and success that are fleeting, they're just gone, they're just, they come and go.
Speaker 1:And Proverbs 31,. Of course, many of us are familiar with Proverbs 31. Do you know? This woman is never her appearance is not mentioned, which is so interesting. Chances are, when we hear Proverbs 31, proverbs 31 woman mentioned, we have a visual image of her and it probably fits our societal standards. We have no idea what she actually looked like. But it says in Proverbs 31 30, charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Speaker 1:I love that physical beauty and charm are temporary, but true worth and honor come from a life lived in reverence to God, which is a beautiful thing. I love that these verses can serve as reminders that my identity and my value are grounded in something so much deeper, so much better and more enduring societal expectations than the way people say things should be. My relationship with God and his unchanging view of my worth is where I get my sense of value, identity and purpose. I want to share, like Christina did, I want to share a truth list that God had me write in 2023 when we were doing a class on body image in our community. It's a truth list. So the way I use a truth list is I say it, I speak it out loud as often as I can so that it begins to get settled in my mind and my heart and it changes the way I think. So this addresses directly some of the things that I've struggled with. You'll see what I mean in a minute. All right, so my truth list about my body image.
Speaker 1:My body has endured a lot of injury and illness and has remarkably returned to good health each time. That's amazing. For my entire life, my body has taken me to explore beautiful vistas, majestic waterfalls, snorkeling in the world's oceans. I've seen astonishing underwater worlds with my eyes. I've gone for walks along thundering rivers. That, too, is amazing. My body has given me joy, as I have hiked, have gone swimming, I've played softball, tennis, volleyball and a million other sports and activities. That is amazing too. Yes, absolutely. Even when I haven't treated my body with kindness, it has recovered from illness, healed from injury, overcome hurdles and carried me through life. This body has even given birth to two babies and nurse them for the first year of their lives. Wow, that is amazing. It is amazing. My body is an amazing work of God and, by the way, I love my husband well with my body of God and, by the way, I love my husband well with my body.
Speaker 1:After a season of not sleeping well, my body was able to adjust and now can fall back to sleep when I awaken during the night. What a blessing that is. And here's some more. God chose to give me auburn hair, and the gray streaks that are in it now make it look unique, and I like it. I love it.
Speaker 2:Beautiful, beautiful.
Speaker 1:I have always loved the feeling of sweating and using my body for hard work. Over the years, my body has been strong to do all kinds of tasks like stacking hay, moving tons of rock I mean literally tons of rock Building fences and similar challenging tasks. My body has promises for the years ahead. Yes, it does. As I move, it will adapt and change and respond to what I ask of it. If I'm struggling with stiffness now, I can move and it will adapt and shift. My body is resilient. My body will take me yet traveling and snorkeling to wonderful places all around the world. I am not done living. My body is not done living. There are a lot of adventures ahead and I am grateful to God for this body that he's given me to live in for as long as he has me breathing the air around the planet.
Speaker 2:Awesome, awesome, love that list. Heidi, I love that list.
Speaker 1:Yes, I just want to urge everybody who's listening make a truth list or freedom list like Christina's. What does freedom look like for you? And you know what? If you ask God about it, he's probably not going to tell you. It looks like a size. I mean, he's going to tell you what things like what he told Christina it's going to look like. You know, you renew your mind before you have a social event. What are some things you can appreciate about your body? Kind of like I did in my truth list, we want to align our thoughts about our bodies with God's own thoughts. His thoughts are life-giving. How many of society's changing standards are life-giving?
Speaker 2:No, not life-giving, no, in fact, they bring us down as often as we will let them, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 2:So how amazing, how life-changing is this. How will this change your vacations? How will this change your shopping trips? How will this change your family gatherings? How will this change your work? You know all kinds of things. By realigning our thoughts with scripture, by thinking God's thoughts after him when feeling judged or pressured by society, we can find comfort, so much comfort and peace, in remembering that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We are his chosen, beloved ones. It is beautiful, beautiful truth. We want to renew our minds with this again and again and again. Just think of how it might even change your next decade of life, whatever that is. That's what I'm going for, that's what I'm working on. So we're so glad you've been here today and we hope that you will come and join us for our next podcast episode of Revelation Within On the go. Thanks for being here, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Bye for now.