Revelation Within On the Go!
Revelation Within equips people with life-giving, grace-infused mind renewal tools to deepen their intimacy with Jesus so that counterfeit comforts (like overeating) lose their allure, and the joy and hope of Jesus fills their lives, satisfying their souls.
In our podcast we talk about mind renewal, tips and tricks for getting and staying free from counterfeit comforts like overeating (over-scrolling, over-drinking, over-anythinging...)
We began as Thin Within in 1975, a pioneer in intuitive, mindful eating back when diets were in their hey day! Thin Within has taught people how to tune in to their body's natural signals of hunger and satisfaction, remaining present with their meals and delighting in tastes and textures--and the Lord!
In the 1980s, Thin Within became a Christian ministry, showing people that the emptiness that they have felt and often filled with food that their bodies don't require, was really placed in there to be filled full with God through Jesus. He wants to set us free from all strongholds!
We rebranded our ministry and our podcast in 2023 to Revelation Within.
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Revelation Within On the Go!
Mind Renewal On Those "Impossible" Days
How do we find hope and strength when the weight of life's challenges seem overwhelming? Join us for a raw and heartfelt discussion as we, Heidi and Christina, open up about our recent personal battles with anxiety and fear. Together, we navigate the complexities of our emotions, the solace found in our faith, and the importance of leaning into God's plan—even when it's hard to see the bigger picture.
By recognizing our loved ones as God's cherished treasures, we find a renewed sense of peace and strength. As we share our personal stories, we celebrate the beauty of family connections and the comfort in knowing that God's plans are filled with hope and purpose. Join us and discover how faith can provide unwavering support through life's toughest moments and "impossible" days.
Learn more about our Revelation Within Community: https://www.revelationwithin.org
Hi and welcome to our podcast, revelation Within On the Go. I'm Heidi Biles-Moepperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the RevelationWithinorg ministry.
Speaker 2:And I'm Christina Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach and Heidi's partner in all things Revelation Within. We are so happy to invite you to join us for this episode of Revelation.
Speaker 1:Within on the go, All righty. Well, I don't know about you, Christina, but I have a big day ahead, a big weekend ahead. I have it like whoa and I just, yeah, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.
Speaker 2:What's going on? You're feeling overwhelmed. Yeah, you seem a little out of sorts, a little bit stressed. Oh my gosh, I don't even know. I had weird dreams all last night. I just got so many things going on and today is a day that I would just love not to do at all. You know, heidi, you and I have called those days impossible days, and it's like no, this day is impossible, let's just skip it. Let's just go back to bed and pull the blankets over our heads and let's just, you know, skip it. Let's just go back to bed and pull the blankets over our heads and let's just, you know, skip it. Can we do?
Speaker 1:that? Yeah, we can. For sure, I know. I woke up at four in the morning and argued with Michael about the covers. Oh my gosh, I know right.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:So to the listener, this is really. We're going to give you a taste of our real life today. I mean, literally, this is where we are at and how Mind Renewal fits in with that, yeah, come on along with us. So, christina, what's one thing you've got coming up right away today?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. Well and I'll try not to make this too long so many of you know that I have chronic Lyme disease and I have we have, in the last year or two, found out that I actually passed it on through pregnancy to both of my older kids. It is dormant in their body, they do not have symptoms, they're not sick, but this has been a very heartbreaking, very stressful emotional experience for me, as you can imagine. Well, I have a third child and it's time for her to get tested, and that's today, and that brings up almost every emotion in me that you can think of. And Heidi has walked alongside me through every day of this entire journey.
Speaker 2:I met Heidi before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, a few months before, and so Heidi knows everything and we often, you know, share and meet and send audios and Marco Polos and texts to each other. We get each other with so much of what's going on in our lives. Yeah, so this is huge. This is just huge. Right, she's actually getting ready right now in the other room. She's getting showered and dressed and we're going to leave right after this.
Speaker 1:And it's a long trip to Denver. So, as your friend and prayer partner, I would say what is true. What is true right now is God is still on the throne.
Speaker 2:He is still sovereign.
Speaker 1:What do you want to add to this?
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, you know, the first thing that I think of this is just being honest, just totally honest. Yeah, we are real here. The first thing I think of is God, this is awful. How could you allow this? Why didn't you protect my kids? I didn't even know I had Lyme disease when I was pregnant with them. So that's just being honest. The first thoughts are that way, and what is true is this is awful.
Speaker 1:And it's okay to say that.
Speaker 2:Yes, and I know God can take it, and if you're not sure if he can go to Psalm 88.
Speaker 1:No and I really appreciate you saying that because, yes, you can feel like this stinks or something else, this really stinks, and yet then it's in the context of God's goodness somehow, and that we don't get that. But he says it's true. So we know it's true. So I want to tell myself what is true and as I do that, I will start believing it, hopefully.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's the way this is supposed to work. Yes, Well, and so that's kind of where I usually begin. Is God, Lord? I've been praying about this and you haven't answered in the way that I would have liked.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But like you said, heidi, his goodness is something that I can't understand. He's not bound by time, he's not bound by anything, and he's not interested in sheltering my kids from every heartache, because he knows they will draw him into his own heart. And so he has a different agenda. My agenda is can we just have smooth sailing for a little while?
Speaker 1:Fun and easy. Let's have fun and easy right.
Speaker 2:I just want to have fun, so let's get back into it. You said what is true and you said God is sovereign in every situation.
Speaker 1:And he's good and even though this is an awful thing to have to deal with it is awful God is still a part of what he allows in his goodness. We don't get that.
Speaker 2:We don't get it, and I know as well as anybody, yeah, and I won't go there, right now because, oh my goodness, but anyway.
Speaker 1:The other thing that helps me when I'm struggling with a really challenging situation that I know God could have prevented is to recognize that he provided the one solution to the one thing that would eternally undo me. He gave Jesus on the cross and provided that payment for my sin. What I needed most was to have a relationship with God forevermore, and he provided that by allowing his son to be handed over to brutal men, to be treated horribly and ultimately to die a horrific death on the cross. But that's not the end of the story. Of course, jesus rose up from the grave and lives forever more, but I have to think of these yucky things that he allows. In light of that, I have to. I have to. Some people tell me well, god doesn't wound, or God doesn't do that. I, you know, I'm not going to go there. God can do what he wants.
Speaker 1:He can do what he wants, but I do know he's good and so if he does it, it's for reasons I can't imagine, maybe Um, or if he allows it, he's he allows things for eternal purposes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's so. What I love, heidi, is that when I go to you with these things, you don't just help me kind of spiral down by saying, oh Christina, oh my gosh, this is horrible, I don't even know how you're handling it. You should just, I mean, how can you even? And you know how we do, and that's kind of normal and we think we're helping. But what's really helping is that you right now, are pointing me back to the Lord. You're pointing me to what is true, you're encouraging me to renew my mind and there's nothing better that you can do for me on this stressful day that could have an outcome. That really makes me very upset and sad and really the grieving I'm already grieving because the other two already have this in their bodies. It hasn't come out yet. Maybe it won't come out you know, come out of remission is what I'm trying to say sort of maybe it won't come out until I'm already in heaven.
Speaker 2:But, whatever happens, I have to look to the Lord and look to his character and look to his attributes In this. He is still good. Whoa do I believe that? Well, whether or not I'm struggling with it, the best thing I can do is say it.
Speaker 1:Right, because then, whatever you think about and you think about it as you say it, the best thing I can do is say it Right, because then, whatever you think about, whatever you and you think about it as you say it, you're going to believe. You may have to think it and say it 965,000 times before you believe it, but that belief is coming and as that belief comes, peace follows and resting in him will follow. I really believe that, and I know you do too. I know you do.
Speaker 2:Well, and we talk at Revelation, within all the time, about these two main things, the two twin truths that are so important, and we have a mind renewal tool called everything that's important is still in place and it focuses on those two things. Everything that's important is still in place and it focuses on those two things. And what are those two things? Who God is and who I am because of him, right? So what does that look like? Maybe you can get me started, heidi.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, let's look at who I am. Because of him, I am his beloved and your youngest is his beloved. I am his beloved and your youngest is his beloved. Your youngest is his prize, his possession, his inheritance. He calls us his inheritance. When I think of your youngest, she is God's cherished treasure, and thinking of it that way helps me to see. Okay, God isn't like oh, oops, I forgot about her, you know no-transcript.
Speaker 2:Okay, what you just said, that brought tears to my eyes. Heidi, that was exactly what I needed to hear. That's where I need to renew my mind. Is she, my 19-year-old, is God's treasure? She is cherished by him. She is loved by him beyond measure. He would not do anything out of his will ever for her, or out of his love or out of his perfect care.
Speaker 2:And whatever happens today, whatever outcome comes for her, it is in his hands and he will do it out of love. He will cause things to move forward out of his love and goodness. When you said that, that touched my heart deeply.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad, yeah. And he will also supply the wisdom that you and David need to navigate this season. With her, you will be given the words to say when you need them. She will be given wisdom to handle it too. She will be given insight. And you know what else I have seen, even if she were to manifest Lyme symptoms, which we pray against, of course. But I have seen you grow in such beautiful and amazing ways for all eternity. I mean, this is who you are and God is using that in part, that Lyme disease. I'm sorry to say it, but I mean even our ministry benefits because you have Lyme disease. I shouldn't say I'm sorry, but that's true. No, it is, oh dear.
Speaker 2:No, I, I love that I'm coaching full-time, working for revelation within, with you, full-time. It has been an incredible journey that would not have come at all in the same way. No teaching yeah, I would be anyways.
Speaker 1:So I think your youngest is probably. There's something good ahead for her, no matter how this turns out. There is something wonderful and deep in that, that joy in the Lord that can only happen through trials. I mean, I hate to say that, but it's true?
Speaker 2:No, it's true, though. It's true. You know, I mentioned this to you the other day, Heidi, my son and I. My son is he's called himself an agnostic for a long time and you know, we love him and accept him and we have open conversations and we're very, we have a great, open relationship. And the other day he brought up God to me in a way that I haven't heard him talk about God in a very long time, and it came as a result of some challenges that he was dealing with, knowing that he had Lyme disease inside of him and what might happen in the future and things like that. He had some teeth pulled and he had some fears. We had some big fears about that. Anyway, this talk about God came as a result of that.
Speaker 1:And I thought.
Speaker 2:You know what. This is worth it. It's worth it for his heart, for his salvation. It is worth it. So, yeah, it's hard, it's heavy, hard, it's heavy, but as I renew my mind, the peace that passes, all understanding is starting to take hold in me.
Speaker 1:I can feel it right now. That's beautiful. So on the flip side, I don't have anything that challenging, but I have a little issue going on right this minute. I have a little issue going on. My youngest is in an airplane flying away from the area where we live to Christina's area, and while Christina happens to be in Denver with her youngest at the Lyme disease doctor, they're swinging by the airport or her husband is to pick up my youngest and I'm not there, and that just I know that sounds so pathetic.
Speaker 2:No, it doesn't. I'm sad. I feel the same way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I want to be with you and I want to be with her. The idea of being with the two of you at once, it's like my favorite people. It's like, oh so I'm glad that she gets to see you and I'm glad you get to see her, and all of that. But I do struggle with it. It makes me want to cry and that seems really pathetic compared to what you're dealing with.
Speaker 2:No, no no, it's not pathetic, heidi. You know I would feel the same way if one of my kids was coming your way. That's true. I mean, imagine it. I would feel exactly the same way. I would be in tears as well.
Speaker 1:How can I renew my mind about that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's I don't know. I don't think we can.
Speaker 1:Let's just cut off this episode right now.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know, what I think I would do in that case is Lord. I love Good idea. I think, I would, and I know, heidi, that you love this tool. I see you light up again and again with this tool, and so it's a tool of gratitude. It's so simple, but it turns our hearts and it helps us to see God's goodness in the situation. So what do you love about what's happening today with your youngest?
Speaker 1:And my bestie Lord. I love that my youngest gets to be with my bestie today for even a moment, even if there's 900 other girls in the car. And David, I love that. I love that. I love that she gets to be a part of the madness for a while.
Speaker 2:Well, and I love that I get to take her's going to be a part of the madness for a while. Well, and I love that I get to take her to lunch tomorrow and we can FaceTime you? How about that? Yeah, that would be cool. I love that idea. Lord, lord I love the idea.
Speaker 1:I love technology that lets us FaceTime. Lord, I love that.
Speaker 2:I love that we are close to each other's kids.
Speaker 1:I know I love that too I love that, my kids love you. You're like their special auntie. I'm going to start crying. You're my family. You're my Colorado family.
Speaker 2:We are a family, and so I love your son, I love your daughter, you love my two girls and my son, and we've all spent time together both in California and in Colorado, and I love that we have that together. It's so special, it's such a gift from God. And I love that this little opportunity came up because Michaela is going to a wedding here. I know crazy. I love that I love that.
Speaker 1:I love that, yeah. And I love that her solution to the challenges of getting around and getting to and from the airport and all of that are you. I love that. I love that too. Yeah, I wanted to say, well, we could ask so-and-so, we could ask so-and-so. And then when you told me I get to see Michaela, I was like, yay, I love that. I love that so much I love it.
Speaker 2:I love it too. I'm thinking of the time that my middle daughter, that we came to visit you, heidi, because we had to pick up that car for her college, and we had that special time together. I love that, I love it. And of course, we were all at your wedding, and there's been other times too.
Speaker 1:I do feel better about that and I'm not going to cry and feel left out, especially knowing I get to FaceTime you tomorrow when you're with Michaela. What else do you have happening in your life that you might feel like you need to renew your mind about?
Speaker 2:Well, I haven't been feeling as well the last couple of days. I've really been struggling with feeling pretty sick and last night some of those symptoms in my heart came back and I was struggling and I ended up resting for a long time and sleeping. But there's no rhyme or reason. Like the last few days I felt better actually than that, and I don't know why that came up and I don't know what will happen later in the day. So there's that sense of unknown. Can I handle what's in front of me? Will I need to find a place to rest? Like what's going on with my body? It feels very chaotic and haphazard right now. So that's a big one for me and that's a daily struggle for me. How do I renew my mind about that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think for me when I am struggling with the unknown about my body, and you know I have, over the years that we've been friends is.
Speaker 1:I have to remind myself. God made me, he made you, christina, fearfully and wonderfully. Every detail, he knit each one together inside of our mama's wombs and beyond that. He knows it now too. He knows each and every detail. He knows where every lime buggy lives in your body. He knows where everyone lives in your body and he can chase it down with his God phage, whatever you know how they have phages that go after infections.
Speaker 1:I think he can do that. I know he can, I know he can, and so he knows you intimately and he knows the plans he has for you and to give you a hope and a future, not to harm you. I believe that he has so much more than the way this day feels and you are so much more than the way your body responds or acts in any given day. And so for me, mind renewal about my body would include what is true. God is still. He still knows this body. He knows when it's going to act up and when it's going to feel better. And then he also what is true about who I am. I am not my ailment, I am not my chronic illness, I am not my size, whatever it might be.
Speaker 1:You know, I would have to remind myself what is not true as well as what is, so I don't know if that helps at all.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that helps a lot, you know, it helps a lot just to be reminded that God is deeply, intimately involved in this, like he knows the details and he knows what I have ahead of me in my day, and this is one of the reasons why this day feels impossible to me. But what does God say about impossible? Days, it may be impossible with man but it is possible with God for sure.
Speaker 2:I love that he even uses that word impossible in that scripture, and so I often renew my mind by saying that he is my mission impossible God.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love that. That's great.
Speaker 2:Well, because if you've ever seen those Mission Impossible movies, I mean that is impossible.
Speaker 2:There is no way that that's actually going to happen. And it does Whatever is before, tom Cruise or whoever's playing the Mission Impossible guy, and it's like no way that can't possibly work. And it does. And that's our Mission Impossible. God, yeah, I like that and so, yeah, it helps me to say that again and again, and just what you said, heidi, that this illness does not own me, it does not define me, it's not who I am. I am God's girl. He is the lover of my soul. He is who he says he is. I am his girl. And those are the important things. Those things are in place. No matter what the circumstance or the emotion or anything, no matter what's happening, those things remain the same and that does help me so much to think on those things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I also am struggling in an ongoing way with our future. Michael has a job that will be officially no longer funded because it's under a USDA grant. He's the director of a program that he got funds for and it ends next July, which may sound like it's far away, this being September of 2024. And it will be done in July of 25. And we don't have a real good plan for retirement, and I know he's tired. I mean, yeah, we're, we're getting old, not that old, but old and old enough. And so.
Speaker 1:I have to. I have to renew my mind about this a lot, because it's caused me to feel a lot of stress, like I have to do it all myself, like I've got to figure out a way to make money, or I've got to figure out a way to bring in an ongoing income. You know, an evergreen supply of money to live on, because once his job is over, we of course will have all of the you know have to pay health care and all of that. So got any ideas for me?
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know what I think I would do with that one. Got any ideas for me? Yeah, you know what I think I would do with that one. I think that I would go to the word and I would pick some verses about being provided for, being held up, being sustained, and I would pray through them for you. And so I have one right here. Oh, I love that one. How are you reading Psalm 55, 22. Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you. So I love this. I love this. So I could take this verse and I could pray it for you. So I'm going to do that right now.
Speaker 1:Would that be okay, yeah?
Speaker 2:Lord Jesus, you know that Heidi is feeling this heavy burden on her, about her and Michael's future financially, but in other ways as well. You know, lord, that as we get older especially, we feel more vulnerable and there's an uncertainty there and there's a sense of unsettledness and insecurity. God, you know that we need to feel secure in you, we need to feel sustained as well, and we often don't feel the strength on our own more than often. So, lord, in your word you say Heidi, cast your burden on me and I will sustain you. And in other parts of your word, again and again, you say I am faithful.
Speaker 1:I am protecting you.
Speaker 2:I am watching over you, Heidi. Come to me and I will be the one that gives you strength. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. Let me be the one to sustain you.
Speaker 1:Love that.
Speaker 2:And I'm going to.
Speaker 1:I'm going to add a prayer from the Proverbs, and then we'll wrap up here.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And I already feel equipped for the day.
Speaker 2:Doesn't that feel great. Actually, that really spoke to my heart at the same time Good, good Lord.
Speaker 1:I want to just confess that so very often I trust in my own understanding and your word tells me trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Speaker 2:Lean not on your own understanding.
Speaker 1:In all my ways, I want to acknowledge you and look for those straight paths that you promise. Lord, I thank you, and you also have said in Jeremiah 33, three that I can call to you and you will answer me and tell me great and unsearchable things. I do not know. My own understanding, lord, is too incomplete, it's too weak to be able to foretell the future or plan even for the future. I can just put one foot in front of the other, lord, and seek to honor you, put my focus on you, on what is unseen, because what is unseen is eternal and what is seen is temporary, and I tend to put my eyes all over the bank account.
Speaker 1:God I confess that and I thank you that you have waited long enough to show me compassion and I can just sit in that compassion right now. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus name Amen.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, heidi, I feel so much better. I do no kidding man, I mean. It's not like everything's been solved. All the issues are still there. But, our minds are renewed.
Speaker 1:Right Transformation is on the choo-choo track.
Speaker 2:It is and that feels so good. So I've got to go and you've got to go. We have to both kind of face into what we've got going today, have to both kind of face into what we've got going today, but we're doing it with God's thoughts in our minds and a heart full of gratitude and peace.
Speaker 1:So I'm so grateful, thanks for joining us.
Speaker 2:Yes, thanks for joining us today. We hope that you'll be back for our next episode of Revelation Within On the go.
Speaker 1:Bye for now. Bye for now.
Speaker 2:Thanks for being here.