Revelation Within On the Go!
Revelation Within equips people with life-giving, grace-infused mind renewal tools to deepen their intimacy with Jesus so that counterfeit comforts (like overeating) lose their allure, and the joy and hope of Jesus fills their lives, satisfying their souls.
In our podcast we talk about mind renewal, tips and tricks for getting and staying free from counterfeit comforts like overeating (over-scrolling, over-drinking, over-anythinging...)
We began as Thin Within in 1975, a pioneer in intuitive, mindful eating back when diets were in their hey day! Thin Within has taught people how to tune in to their body's natural signals of hunger and satisfaction, remaining present with their meals and delighting in tastes and textures--and the Lord!
In the 1980s, Thin Within became a Christian ministry, showing people that the emptiness that they have felt and often filled with food that their bodies don't require, was really placed in there to be filled full with God through Jesus. He wants to set us free from all strongholds!
We rebranded our ministry and our podcast in 2023 to Revelation Within.
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Revelation Within On the Go!
December Surrender Day 12: You Are Chosen by God
We have a special December series for you. Each day a short mind renewal meditation will be released, lasting about five minutes. We hope these encourage you to press-in closer to Jesus this year.
What if your emotions mislead you, but an unshakeable truth could set you free? In this episode, we explore Ephesians 1, a chapter rich in spiritual blessings and love. We will unpack the powerful truths of being chosen and cherished by God, inviting you to recognize your eternal worth and the joy of being part of God's family. This series of meditative reflections promises not only to renew your mind but also to encourage you to embrace the overwhelming grace and love that is yours through Christ.
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Hi and welcome to our podcast Revelation Within On the Go.
Speaker 2:I'm Heidi Wiles-Meperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the RevelationWithinorg ministry and I'm Christina Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach and Heidi's partner in all things Revelation Within. We are so excited to invite you to this special episode of Revelation Within On the show. We have a special December series for you. Each day, a short mind renewal meditation will be released lasting about five minutes. We hope these encourage you to press in closer to Jesus this year.
Speaker 1:Hi, I'm Heidi Biles-Mepperson and today I am in one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible chapters in the entire Bible Ephesians, chapter 1, starting in verse 3. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord, jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ, for he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves. That is Ephesians, chapter 1, verses 3 through 6. I have a hard time stopping because it is just so good.
Speaker 1:There is so much in chapter 1, but I wanted to address this today because, no matter what my feelings seem to indicate and they often indicate things like oh, god is holding out on me, oh I'm being ripped off, oh I have so many trials I can't believe they aren't easing up no matter what my feelings may dictate, what is true is in God's eternal word, and when I go to his word and I spend time, or when I remind myself of the truth I have found in his word and speak it often out loud to my soul. What I speak, that truth that I speak, actually informs my feelings. So as I read this passage in Ephesians 1, I am gosh. My feelings respond to it. And even if they don't, it doesn't mean it's not true, because God says these things are true. So first of all, I want to look at verse three again.
Speaker 1:God has blessed us, you and me, me. God has blessed me. He has blessed you in the heavenly realms, blessed me. He has blessed you in the heavenly realms. What has he blessed us with? With every spiritual blessing in Christ. Talk about amazing gifts that God has given us, not just one gift, not just 10, not just a hundred, but every spiritual blessing is mine and is yours in Christ. Spiritual blessing is mine and is yours in Christ. Wow, if my feelings don't respond to that in some way, I need. I need to check, make sure there's a pulse.
Speaker 1:I love verse four as well. He chose us, he chose you, he chose me. When did he choose us? He chose us in him before the creation of the world, okay, so before anything else had happened, before day one of God's creative work in Genesis, chapter one. God chose us, chose you in him to be what In verse four holy and blameless in his sight. Even before you were born, even before you had a Godward thought, god chose you. It makes me think of Romans 5.8, which says God demonstrates his own love for us in this that while we were yet sinners, christ died for us.
Speaker 2:You and.
Speaker 1:I don't have to prove to God that we are worthy of His notice, that we are worthy of His love, that we are worthy of Him to welcome us into heaven, because he chose us in Him, before the creation of the world, before we were anything but sinners, to be holy and blameless in his sight. Did you know, dear brother or sister, that you are holy and blameless in the sight of God? In fact, in love, it goes on to say he predestined you and me to be adopted as his children through Christ. And you know why? Because it gives him pleasure to do so. It was according to his will to do so. That's in verse five as well. And what does it result in? To the praise of his glorious grace which he has freely given us in the one he loves.
Speaker 1:I don't know about you, but there is so much good news in these few verses that I just can't stop grinning. And it goes on. Do have a look at Ephesians 1 and invite God to show you every spiritual blessing in Christ that he has bestowed on you, lavished on you, in fact, scripture goes on in Ephesians 1 to speak of how God has lavished such blessing on us. And we want to receive it. We want to open our arms wide to what he has. We want to lift our chin to heaven. We want to open our eyes and our ears and see and taste and experience all that God has for us. We want to cast off the sin that so easily entangles anything and everything that hinders our awareness of all that God is doing. We want to surrender, lay down anything that hinders.
Speaker 1:That's in Hebrews, chapter 12, I think. And so, going back, I'm going to close now. Praise be to you, god. You are my Father, you are the Lord of my Savior, jesus. You have blessed me and the one listening in the heavenly realms, with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Thank you so much, dear God, amen.