Revelation Within On the Go!

December Surrender Day 30: Breaking Free from Resolutions

Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley Season 1 Episode 152

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We have a special December series for you. Each day a short mind renewal meditation will be released, lasting about five minutes. We hope these encourage you to press-in closer to Jesus this year. 

Ever felt like you're drowning in the sea of New Year's resolutions, only to find yourself caught in the relentless tide of societal expectations? Join us, as we explore a different path. We're challenging the conventional obsession with weight loss and fitness goals, inviting you to instead focus on spiritual growth and mind renewal. In this episode, we share our personal struggles and victories in resisting the idolization of thinness, encouraging you to seek lasting transformation by surrendering to God.

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Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to our podcast, Revelation Within On the Go. I'm Heidi Wiles-Meperson, one of your hosts and the owner and lead coach of the RevelationWithinorg ministry, and I'm Christina.

Speaker 2:

Motley, your other host, also a Revelation Within coach and Heidi's partner in all things Revelation Within. We are so excited to invite you to this special episode of Revelation Within On the show. We have a special December series for you. Each day, a short mind renewal meditation will be released, lasting about five minutes. We hope these encourage you to press in closer to Jesus this year.

Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Heidi and Christina with a Mind Renewal Meditation on surrendering New Year's resolutions. Oh Lord, this is that time of year when so many seem to be swept up in New Year's resolutions. What are you going to do this year? What is at the top of your list, and at the top of so many people's lists, is the goal of getting smaller, losing weight, getting healthy. I see the magazines and the checkout lines. It's everywhere. There's ads that come onto my screen when I'm on the internet, and, lord, it's just everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Every time I turn around, it seems as though groups of friends are talking about it, even people at church, even at Bible study. People are talking about losing weight, getting smaller, getting fit, getting healthy. And, lord, there's nothing necessarily wrong with those desires, except for me. I know that when I pursue these as my goals, it is often a stumbling stone, and my focus has conformed to the standards of this world, and you've told me, in Romans 12 too, to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and then I'm going to be able to test and discern the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Oh Lord, I don't want to be swept up in the hubbub that has everybody else's attention, or seems to. Instead, I want to wait on you and of course, I want to release extra weight, that's true.

Speaker 1:

But instead of bowing to the idol of thin or fit, like I have for so many years, I am refusing to do that. I'm not going to set a New Year's resolution about my weight, about getting fit. Instead, lord, I just want to love you more, I want to love you better, and I know, as I do, that, whether I eat or drink, whatever I do, I will do it all to your glory. Moving my body, I will do to your glory. I know in the past I have not honored you in my pursuit of thin or fit, and so, lord, I just refuse to do that. This year. You have made it clear that that is not your calling for me. Instead, I want to focus on surrendering to you.

Speaker 2:

Lord Jesus, I want to look to you for what I need, rather than everywhere else. Everything, all the information that is coming at me. Lord, this is the time of year when we really are bombarded with advertisements and information and just everywhere, everywhere, everyone is telling us what to do and how and when, and it's urgent, and do it now and try this and try that. Lord, I don't want to be swaying in the wind toward these things that seem like they might satisfy, they seem like they might solve my problems, they seem like they might really help me. But what I know is true is that you are my source, is that you are my source, my only source.

Speaker 2:

Above all else, lord, I could jump on the bandwagon of a diet or an exercise plan in a minute, and I might even get a little bit smaller and fit, and that would be okay, except that at the end of it, I know that I would not have your peace. I know that I would not have your peace and I would not have what I need from you. I would not be transformed, my habits would be the same. I would gain all the way back. Lord, you know I've done it a hundred times, two hundred times more.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I don't want that anymore. What I want is deeper. What I want is better. What I want is lasting transformation and change. And you promise that, lord, in your word, psalm 145, 16. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Lord, you are the satisfier, you're the only one that can satisfy the longings of my heart, the needs that I have. You see what I need, lord. You see why I overeat sometimes. You know me. I want your wisdom, I want the satisfaction that only comes from you.

Speaker 2:

2 Corinthians, 4, 16 through 18. Therefore, lord, I will not lose heart, though outwardly I'm wasting away, inwardly, lord Jesus, I want to be renewed Day by day. I want this, lord, I am open to it. I am ready For my light, and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them all, lord. So I fix my eyes on you, lord, not what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal. Thank you, god, for giving us, for offering to us something so good and so beautiful. As you walk with us, as you transform us. Lord, I look to you for this.

Speaker 1:

Thank you God so, lord, I just want to lay down any new year's resolution, any intention to get the weight off anything that I might pursue that would squelch my soul and cause me to bow before any master. But you, lord, you are my master. I will be mastered by none but you, and I want to give myself completely, wholeheartedly, full throttle to you today as I look ahead at the new year. What you want, your will be done. Your will be done. Take my heart, lord, it's yours, in Jesus' name amen.

Speaker 2:


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